ČULA JESAM DA SE DRAGI ŽENI | traditional Croatian folk song from Podravina LIVE
Listen to my latest single ’Rijeka’:
DUNJA KNEBL & NINA KRALJIĆ & KOLOLIRA - Songs from the Other Side of Time
Zagreb’s club „Močvara“ hosted a concert that was a journey to the past with the help of songs. Besides traditional folk songs from various parts of Croatia, there were also those coming from England, Ireland, Ukraine, Moravia, Russia...
It was a new collaboration on the world music scene, a new musical story coming from two well-known musicians who have their own different stories but are traveling along the same paths. Even though the difference in age is almost half a century, they are linked together by their love of traditional folk music and of ancient, never-told stories resembling fairy tales. Dunja Knebl & Nina Kraljić presented what they had produced together with the accompaniment of Kololira musicians.
The musicians who are members of the Dunja Knebl & Kololira band have taken par
2 years ago 00:03:12 1
Amira Medunjanin - Cula jesam da se dragi zeni
3 years ago 00:03:53 3
ČULA JESAM DA SE DRAGI ŽENI | traditional Croatian folk song from Podravina LIVE