Wushu footwork and wushu leg techniques

Footwork: Back cross-step, front cross-step, shift and jumping step Wushu leg techniques: snap kick - 弹腿:支撑腿直立或微屈,另一腿绷足由屈到伸向前挺膝弹出,力达脚尖。Tantui (snap kick) abbrev: TT Keep the supporting leg straight or slightly bent, while snapping out the other leg from bend to full extension, foot bent downward (in plantar flexion), with power of the kick reaching the toes. Heel kick, Side sole kick - 踹腿:支撑腿直立或微屈,另一腿勾脚内扣由屈到伸向侧挺膝踹出,脚高过腰,力达脚底。Chuaitui sideward sole kick abbrev. CT Keep the supporting leg straight or slightly bent, while kicking out the other leg sideways from bend to full extension, foot hooked and above waist level and toes turned inward, with power of the kick reaching the sole. Front kick, Front slap kick, Approved by Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation Subscribe for Wushu Vision - Wushu Federation of Odessa Region
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