
blog tdd 0:26 Fixing Issue with TDD 9:17 Delete Image while upload 17:49 Fixing Issue with TDD part 2 23:27 Unit test for tag ids 29:51 Tag CRUD on views 38:59 Add tags to blog 50:08 Delete Image when blog deleted 1:01:03 Publish the blog 1:16:18 Tdd for auth user blogs 1:28:43 User can not update other s blog 1:38:05 Using Policies 1:46:02 Authorize update and delete 1:50:44 Using Blade Template Eventile Authentication 1:55:58 Intro 1:57:34 Demo 2:02:19 Register User 2:09:19 Store User With Bcrypt Password 2:14:45 Validation on Registration 2:19:16 Install and Setup Nuxtjs 2:27:22 Create Register Form 2:34:36 Submit Form fix eslint 2:42:01 Create User and Error Component 2:48:58 Why we need CORS 2:55:31 Redirect to login page 2:59:25 Login and Validation 3:05:54 Work on axios 3:11:25 Install Laravel Sanctum 3:18:20 Generate Token 3:29:33 Store token in cookies 3:38:02 Logout the user 3:45:55 Using the Middleware Eventile Vuex Store 3:51:41 Why we need vuex store 3:56:22 Create your first store 4:04:05 Make Logout Work 4:06:40 Persist Login after refresh Eventile Sending Email 4:11:22 Install and setup Telescope 4:18:38 Sending first Email 4:27:31 Sending Data to Email 4:31:34 Sending Markdown Mailable 4:36:44 Processing Queue Email 4:44:03 Using Redis Queue Driver 4:49:35 Horizon for Redis Queue Eventile Github Login 4:58:51 Setting Socialite 5:05:31 Making Github login work 5:16:33 User Email from Github 5:21:29 Login with Github account Eventile Event API 5:28:00 Add IsAdmin Column to user 5:33:15 Fetch User Information after Login 5:38:21 Admin Middleware 5:42:16 Event Migration and Model 5:48:23 Store Event from Laravel 5:54:04 Store Event with Image 6:07:14 Api Resource tranform 6:15:37 Attribute casting image path format 6:26:48 Add Slug to Events 6:34:58 fetch event by slug 6:39:44 Show Event 6:43:37 Create Update Page 6:52:13 Update Event 6:58:58 show Published event Eventile Stripe Payment 7:04:01 Setup Stripe Frontend 7:13:32 Payment Modal 7:21:46 Hit Stripe API 7:29:42 using test stripe id 7:32:31 Install Laravel Cashier 7:42:22 Charge the customer 7:49:28 Reduce Tickets 7:53:45 Morph Relationship 8:01:36 Store Morph Relation 8:06:15 Event and Listener 8:17:21 Spinner on Payment 8:21:43 only book if loggedin 8:30:50 Payment API 8:43:16 Ticket API 8:49:27 Sending Notification Eventile Deploy 8:59:04 Create Droplet 9:03:44 Install Dependencies 9:07:40 Clone Source Code from Github 9:12:20 Install Nuxt app 9:16:57 Nginx Reverse Proxy 9:22:21 Using pm2 9:26:02 Install Composer 9:34:32 Nginx Laravel 9:40:48 Setup Mysql 9:46:22 Connect frontend to backend 9:50:44 Redis and Supervisor 9:55:26 Buy ticket online job portal 10:00:03 create new laravel 8 app 10:02:39 install and setup jetstream 10:06:11 register employee 10:16:04 login employee 10:21:39 register company page 10:31:08 company login page 10:34:20 header and navlinks 10:45:01 user type middleware 10:55:07 Redirect After Login 11:09:20 Create JobPost table 11:20:13 Show Active Jobs 11:23:29 Job belongs to a Company
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