Wampler Moxie test by Jimmy Lin (No Talking)

Thanks Monk Custom Enterprise Co. for providing these products. This is “Not“ a sponsor video. I’ll return all the products they send to me. Also no money changed. Just making a test video for you. 感謝台灣銘漾企業有限公司提供產品做為測試,本次節目沒有業配,拍完影片後,產品將歸還公司,也沒有金錢往來,純粹做個詳細的測試影片,提供大家參考~ 本次影片使用器材:(Gears been used in this video) CORONA Standard Plus (Seymour Duncan STK-S4 in neck position) Providence E205導線 Wampler Moxie
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