Anthony Perkins - Psycho - Funny Story 2

While there aren’t many widely known funny stories about Anthony Perkins, here’s another lighthearted anecdote: During the filming of the movie “Psycho,“ Anthony Perkins and his co-star Janet Leigh developed a friendly rapport on set. Perkins, known for his dry sense of humor, would often play pranks on Leigh to lighten the mood. One day, he hid a plastic replica of a severed hand in a drawer in Leigh’s dressing room. When she opened the drawer, she was startled by the unexpected sight, but Perkins quickly revealed himself, laughing and assuring her it was just a joke. The incident created a playful and humorous moment between the two actors. Perkins’ playful nature and sense of humor were appreciated by his colleagues on set and helped create a positive and enjoyable working environment. While specific funny stories about him may be less documented, his ability to bring levity and laughter to the set is remembered by those who worked with him. #anthonyperkins #p
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