Saul Bass: Psycho (1960) title sequence

Title sequence from Psycho (1960), designed by Saul Bass ✇ ‘PSYCHO’ (1960) Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock Starring: Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Janet Leigh, Martin Balsam Country: USA Available on blu-ray here: 🚨 Want more? View thousands of other title sequences at the link below 🚨 The Movie title stills collection is the largest online archive dedicated to title sequence design and typography on the silver screen, with opening credits / intertitles / main-on-end title sequences from over 6,000 movies, from 1902 to 2024. the Movie title stills collection ➽ Twitter: ➽ Instagram: ➽ Pinterest: ➽ Facebook: 🍀 Support the collection here: 🙏 #TitleSequence #SaulBass #Saul100 #AlfredHitchcock
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