In this video i’m restoring a hopeless case of a super rusty rebar cutter.
People from all over the world send me pictures of their items they’d like to have restored by me in a video. Mostly the items do not look bad enough, not enough rust or not broken enough for an interesting video. However this rebar cutter caught my attention from the first look at it. Marco from Italy was so nice to ship it to me to Switzerland, he gave me this shear for free means he doesn’t want to have it back. Thank you very much for that. Right when I saw the pictures I knew this would probably be a very challenging restoration because of all that rust. I assumed that it would be all seized up and a nightmare to disassemble and I was right. This cutter only has four bolts and is built together by only five parts, but I was busy with the disassembling for three days. It was very difficult to get the two big bolts out, specially the smaller one. It needed 12 tons on the hydraulic press and I needed to drill one b