YOGA NEJANG Dr NIDA DEMONSTRATION - Médecine tibétaine - Yoga tibétain

En français, il existe également un livre: l’art tibétain du massage, disponible sur BOD : ou AMAZON : étain-massage-Ku-Nye/dp/2322188468/ref=pd_vtp_3/261-4887335-7122467?pd_rd_w=j17Nw&pf_rd_p=c0372db3-c540-4f60-8c30-32b147f6631e&pf_rd_r=EWJZFX8G18TY89KGNQF0&pd_rd_r=c563b2fe-2f99-48ae-9814-291a6796f41d&pd_rd_wg=ki9uy&pd_rd_i=2322188468&psc=1 This is the core of the only DVD that we made some years ago. The filming style is a bit old fashioned but the movements are still up-to-date, and Dr Nida is demonstrating with calm and deep concentration. Enjoy and share. Courses online at / Cours en ligne This video format is espcially for iphone and so on.
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