Dolomedes plantarius is a large semi-aquatic spider living around water. It can hide or swim under water (once I saw a spider hide for 20 minutes under water). It belongs to the family Pisauridae - Nursery web spiders.
In this video you will see it booth over and under water, catching prey, carrying egg sac, guarding spiderlings in its nursery web.
More info on this spider here:
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Stock footage/video of Dolomedes plantarius here:
All photos/videos (C) Stefan Sollfors,
Music, all licenced for commercial use:
- “Prelude in C“, Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0“ “.
- “Tension“ by Evgeny Kiselevich, licenced from :
3 years ago 00:05:31 2
Паук рыболов - Dolomedes sp.
4 years ago 00:02:52 47
Dolomedes plantarius - the Fen raft spider
6 years ago 00:01:24 13
Handling a large Dolomedes plantarius spider carrying an egg sac