Strengthening Spine through Suryanamaskar

This video is about how Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation) is a remarkable tool in Yoga to achieve a strong spine thereby a strong mind. The intention of this video is not to teach how to reach postures but to analyze each and every posture in Sun salutation and see which part of the spine is influenced, which muscle is lengthened which muscles are strengthened through this sequence of 12 postures that are tied together through breath. If you are interested in learning Surya Namaskar with proper breath, please join this workshop where you can learn the 12 Asanas in the Sun Salutation sequence through an online 90-minute session. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:38 Story about Asura Vrithra 04:21 Why Sun Salutation ? 06:33 History of Sun Salutation 07:45 Pranamasana 09:00 Hastha Uttanasana 10:19 Uttanasana 12:53 Aswasanchalasana 14:38 Chaturanga dandasana 15:53 Ashtanga namaskar 17:28 Bujangasana 19:05 Adhomukha sv
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