【Bad Girls - Evil Star Flower AU | Animation MEME】
Star Flower is gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Jesus FUCK this took a long time!! But i’m glad to finally be done with it. I’m also glad to finally be sharing this Au with y’all! Tbh i’m really not a fan of most evil au’s because they all usually follow the same revenge story and often just,, are so blatantly forced? So this one is specifically made to avoid that for my own enjoyment. This AU is basically everything i wish Star Flower was in DOTC lol (i really crave female villains in warriors)
You can read all about the au more properly here, if you wish!
but the basic gist of the AU is that Star Flower is turned into the main villain for all the six books of dotc, she starts off the same as in canon, but later on becomes the leader of Clear Sky’s group after secretly poisoning him and tricking everyone into believing she’s the grieving wife, she lets in her father One-Eye and his rogues into camp, but later over s