Lyrics: Paruyr Sevak Music: Edgar Hovhannisyan Yérp tchi menoum yélk ou djar, Khéntérn én kednoum henar, Aysbés dzakéts, arékagéts Sartarabadi marde médz. Zankér ghoghantchék, Serpazan katchérin gantchék Ays artar badits, Sérountnér, touk tséz djanatchék, Sartarabadits. Payts ménk tchengank, ménk mishd gank, Ménk tchehankank, tér ge kank, Yérp dan zanke, ahazanke, Vor mér hokou bardke dank. _________________________________ Live in Concerts on 29, 30, 31 October and 1 November 2015, Lebanon In 2015 KOHAR performed with great success and jubilation for four consecutive sparkling nights on 29, 30 & 31 October and 1 November 2015, showcasing one of the biggest and technologically most advanced productions that Lebanon has ever witnessed. Under the starry lights of the Forum De Beyrouth, each performance was attended by an audience of 2250, broadcasted live on the Public TV of Armenia and streamed live on the web to tens of thousands of viewers in the Diaspora, who were able to join in and celebrate the Ar
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