Are Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points Causing Your Leg Pain?

👉 Trigger points in the gluteus minimus can cause referred pain down the leg, resembling sciatica pain, due to the shared pain distribution pattern. 👉 Myofascial pain syndrome is the term used to describe the condition resulting from trigger points, which can lead to debilitating pain and affect daily activities. 👉 Symptoms of trigger points in the gluteus minimus may include pain radiating down the back of the leg, muscle stiffness, tenderness, and limited hip joint mobility. When trigger points in the gluteus minimus are activated, they can cause pain that radiates down the back of the leg, similar to the distribution of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain pattern can be confusing, as it may lead individuals and even some healthcare professionals to believe that the pain originates from the sciatic nerve itself. However, it’s important to note that the pain is actually being referred from the trigger points in the gluteus minimus. The pain caused by
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