中国海军苏丹第二批撤侨,含221名外国人,老外们说我爱中国/Sudan-China’s second evacuation-221 foreigners-they said I love China

当地时间29日9时许,在中国海军导弹驱逐舰南宁舰伴随护卫下,综合补给舰微山湖舰搭载着第二批493名从苏丹撤离人员安全靠泊沙特阿拉伯吉达港。第二批从苏丹撤离人员中,除272名中国公民外,应相关国家请求,中国海军军舰还搭载了221名巴基斯坦、巴西等国人员。搭乘中国军舰从苏丹撤离的巴基斯坦人尼萨尔·乌拉对记者说:“我们非常感谢中国政府提供军舰帮助我们转移,感谢中国热情款待,巴基斯坦和中国两国友谊长存!” 巴基斯坦人哈瓦尔说:“感谢中国人民,特别感谢中国军舰将我们安全转移至此。谢谢你中国,我们爱你!” At 9 o’clock on the 29th local time, accompanied by the guided missile destroyer Nanning of the Chinese Navy, the integrated supply ship Weishan Lake, carrying the second batch of 493 evacuees from Sudan, safely berthed at Jeddah Port, Saudi Arabia. Among the second batch of evacuated personnel from Sudan, in addition to 272 Chinese citizens, at the request of relevant countries, the Chinese naval warship also carried 221 personnel from Pakistan, Brazil and other countries. Nisar Ullah, a Pakistani who was evacuated from Sudan on a Chinese warship, told reporters: “We are very grateful to the Chinese government for providing the warship to help us transfer, and thank China for its warm hospitality. The friendship between Pakistan and China will last forever!“ Hawar, a Pakistani, said: “Thank you to the Chinese people, especially to the Chinese warships for transferring us here safely. Thank you China, we love you!“ #苏丹 #撤侨 #中国海军 中国海军苏丹第二批撤侨,含221名外国人,老外们说我爱中国/Sudan-China’s second evacuation-221 foreigners-they said I love China
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