Yama Arashi (mountain storm)

Yama Arashi (mountain storm) full kempo# Grand Master Ihab Eyada President Egyotian kempo federation Hanshi Ihab Eyada The mountain storm judo move is executed with both arms to pick up the other competitor’s body off balance and to toss him/her down or implement another similar throw. This move is a combined from the ippon-seoinage and the harai-goshi judo throw. Technique details Both combatants start in a right natural stance. The person performing the move grasps the other combatant by the inner side of his/her collar with the right and by the sleeve with the other arm, presses the rival’s body backwards and steps in a left defensive stance. As the oother player tries reacts by pushing back, the competitor who executes the technique doesn’t resist for a brief moment, long enough for the other player to lose stability and lift his/her upper body up to regain balance. This is repeated several times before the executor starts lifting the rival up
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