Deine Lakeien - Night Of Love (The Concert That Never Happened Before)

Dear music friends and fans, this song was written at the end of the 80s and you can tell from the atmospheric sounds and the accompanying dance rhythms that with the rise of Rave culture, the Hippie era of the sixties was also returning. Accordingly, we wanted to use the freedom to improvise extensively, with the vocals and with the synthesizers, especially the Roland SH-5 from 1978. The wonderful program “C-Lab Notator“ for the Atari ST also offered the opportunity to spontaneously intervene the musical sequence. At this point, a big thank you to Gerhard Lengeling, head of C-Lab, Emagic and now working at Apple, for his music software, which was and is “musician-friendly“ in the best sense of the word. Dive with us into the „Night Of Love“! Deine Lakaien Ernst Alexander and the entire team Subscribe: Shop: Stream: Ne
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