【4K】Moscow Neon Lights | Night Walking in Moscow, Russia

In the years 1963-1994 was part of the New Arbat Avenue Kalinin. The street is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow in the district “Arbat“. Novy Arbat area extends from the Arbat Gate Square Free Russia and is located between the Arbat and Cook Street. Numbering of houses is carried out on the area of ​​the Arbat gate. When Ivan the Terrible there were yards guardsmen. In the second half of the XVII century there were streletskaya Sloboda “Stepan Kakovinskiy order“ and Sloboda “pipe producers“ (chimney stove-makers and the royal court). Located nearby suburb, serving royal table, hence the name lanes: Nozhov, dining room, Skatertniy, Bread, was still Chashnikov. There is also a royal Krechetny courtyard, which contained “merlin“ (falcons) for falconry Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - hence the name of the alley - Krechetnikov. Near the same with him, according to legend, was Psarenny or Canine courtyard, which contained a pack of dogs f
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