Uninterrupted F100 Test Footage (two angles)

That’s it. That’s the video. This is one of our Pratt & Whitney F100 engines being tested at Edwards Air Force Base. The F100 is an incredible engine that powers the F-15 and F-16 and has logged over 30 million flight hours. It puts out greater than 29,000 lbs of thrust. Why is Hermeus testing it? This engine will be integrated into our larger, hypersonic, turbine-based combined cycle (TBCC) propulsion system. Think of a TBCC as a hybrid between a turbine engine and a ramjet engine. The turbine is used for slower speeds (the F100 here) and then once we’re at higher speeds our proprietary ramjet kicks in. We’ve demonstrated this with our Chimera engine, check it out: But here’s what’s exciting, the F100 is significantly larger and more powerful than the J85 turbojet that’s in Chimera. We’re calling this larger engine, you guessed it, Chimera II. Chimera II will be used in our hypersonic unmanned aircraft Darkhorse. More info can be found here:
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