#пластина водяного охлаждения Iceriver ks3m#水冷板 Iceriver ks3m#Iceriver KS3M KS3L water cooling plate

Iceriver KS3M KS3L liquid cooling plate is made of aluminum. A complete water-cooled plate kit contains 3 integrated water-cooling boards, cooling liquid shunts, water pipes, a cover plate, connectors, and so on, which are used to cool the miner’s hash board. The water block for miners can help the ASIC chip dissipate heat better, reduce a series of malfunctions caused by miners due to heat dissipation problems, and improve the mining efficiency of miners. The KS3L Aluminum water block is easy to install and maintain. Its working principle is to drive liquid circulation through a water pump, thereby taking away the heat emitted by the hash board ASIC chip. After installing the water-cooled heat sink radiator, the miner has the characteristics of low noise, energy saving, environmental protection, and less loss of components, making it the first choice for home mining. Пластина жидкостного охлаждения Iceriver KS3M KS3L изготовлена из алюминия. Полный комплект пластин с водяным охлаждением содержит 3 вст
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