Технология каменного века. Трудолюбивый дед-гончар поражает тех, кто видит его рукоделие.

During the Stone Age period, humans relied heavily on their environment and natural resources to survive. The invention of pottery was a significant technological advancement during this period, as it allowed people to store and transport food, water, and other essential items more efficiently. The process of making pottery involved digging clay from the ground, mixing it with water to form a paste, shaping it into the desired form, and then firing it in a kiln to harden it. The process required a great deal of skill and patience, as any mistakes made during the shaping or firing process could ruin the entire piece. The potter grandfather you mention would have been highly respected in his community for his skill and hard work. His handiwork would have been used for a variety of purposes, such as storing food, cooking, and carrying water. Pottery was also used for ceremonial purposes, such as creating decorative vessels for offerings or funerary urns. Overall, the invention of pottery was
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