Akerbeltz - Burial of the Hyperborean Witch (lyrics)

Band:Akerbeltz Album:A Wave of Darkness Year:2000 Country:Spain Genre:Black Metal - Lyrics- Deathlike silence rules on the land where she lies frozen eyes gaze between darkness and Hell loneliness, malediction breathes between the branchage the reek of decay is like the fragrance of transformation she came here to die, to return her powers to the earth, to be as one with Nautre. Out of the mist her voice is calling through the demoniac shadows on twilight mesmerizing fatuous fires, deadly omens her whole life sworn to evil, sworn to lewdness once she sat by the side of the black goat. Cobwebs adorn her cane... Moss dresses her flesh Vermins feast on her decay... She’s feeding the Earth Eyes frozen, flesh rotten pagan witch, hyperborean winter wanderer, death messenger Monk disguised-like toads carry her tongue to the swamp the mighty owl devours her eyes making theirs, the worms eat her heart I’m getting closer She was expelled from the magic circle she practiced black magic, she called the storm she was too powerful to keep the stars’ balance.
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