Britain’s Gateway To Troubled China (1932)

Full title reads: “Hong Kong. Britain’s gateway to troubled China. Loyal Indian Troops impress natives with magnificent spectacle of military precision and discipline.“ Hong Kong. Indian troops march down street in Hong Kong. They are led by a band playing bagpipes. Young boys march alongside. Different angle showing troops marching past - lots of Chinese faces in the crowd and Chinese writing on signs. Chinese children look on. Pipe and drum band continue their march. Low angle shot of people looking down from balcony. Indian troops carrying rifles and wearing helmets and webbing march down street. Crowd of children move off pavement. Colonial soldiers with rifles march along. Back view of troops marching. Chinese people stand at side of street looking on. More marching shots. C/U faces of marching soldiers. One soldier raises his arm and the men chant. C/U group of mainly young Chinese men. Soldiers come to a halt (orders given by white European officer). (Natural sound track
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