Dressage Rider Position: Master These 3 Things!!!

Sign up for the online course “Dressage Rider Position: A 6 Week Masterclass to Transform your Riding Position“ What makes someone a good Dressage rider? Do you aspire to become a better rider? Here are 3 things to work on that ALL the top riders in this sport (Steffen Peters, Charlotte Dujardin, and Catherine Dufor) have in common. 1. Your Seat - The main function of your seat is to absorb the motion of your horses’ movement. Your seat must stay connected to the saddle at all times and move in perfect harmony with the horse. All the top riders in this sport have amazing seats!! 2. Symmetry - Dressage requires that the horse be straight and symmetrical. This means that we, too must be straight and symmetrical. It is impossible to expect the horse to be straight when the rider is crooked. It is absolutely essential that
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