Brian Ferneyhough interview with Paul Archbold

Brian Ferneyhough in conversation with Paul Archbold, Freiburg 2010. Brian Ferneyhough discusses his works for string quartet, with particular reference to the Sixth String Quartet. Sound David Lefeber Editor Jane Clegg Directed & photographed by Colin Still Executive Producer Paul Archbold Brian Ferneyhough ’Sixth String Quartet’ is published by Edition Peters, used with permission. Commissioned by SWR & BBC Radio 3. Music examples performed by Arditti String Quartet: Irvine Arditti, Ashot Sarkissjan, Ralf Ehlers, Lucas Fels Film supported by: Kingston University London Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation a PALATINE Development Award Institute of Musical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London with thanks to: SWR Donauhalle, Donaueschingen SoundNetwork © Optic Nerve 2011
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