Laang 冷 -【Baoyu 暴雨】(OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)

Pre-Order Riluo 日落: Links: BC: FB: IG: Spf: Lyrics: 暴雨 在淒涼的秋霧中, 腐爛圍繞著我。 美麗而病態, 怪誕而可怕, 天空被撕裂了一個洞, 我逐漸被淹沒。 雨將無休止地傾瀉而下 這個故事沒有英雄, 而且沒有圓滿的結局。 當水充滿我的肺, 我開始微笑。 從我的屍體中傾瀉而出, 洪水淹沒了太陽。 軀殼和血肉幻化形成了河流和湖泊。 經歷誕生、死去、再重生, 心臟的跳動令我生不如死。 Baoyu (Rainstorm) In bleak autumn mist, Decay surrounds me. Beautiful and morbid, Grotesque and macabre, A hole is torn in the sky, And I begin to drown. The rain will pour endlessly This story has no hero, And no happy ending. As the water fills my lungs, I begin to smile. Pouring from my corpse, The flood drowns the sun. Rivers and lakes form in the wake of my corpse. Despite my birth and rebirth, My beating heart does not let me live.
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