“FrankenSkies: The Lies in the Skies Exposed“ - Full Documentary (2017) ✈️⚠️
_*FrankenSkies*_ is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.
An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?
A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film’s narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not...
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_*Research Audio PDFs:*_
_*Geoengineering PDFs*_
_*Geoengineering (Climate Change) Playlist:*_
_*Health & Wellbeing Playlist:*_
_*NASA & Co. Playlist:*_
_*Spotted: Geoengineering Playlist:*_
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“Clouded Judgement: Do Jet Contrails Increase Cloud Cover? | NBC News“ (1980) ✈️⚠️
“NASA Space Shuttle Rocket Booster [Cloud Generator] Test“ (2001) 🌧️
“Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of Endocrine Disruptors“ (2002) 🧠
“Syngenta’s Atrazine: Hormone Disruption, Low Fertility Rates, Cancer, Groundwater Pollution, & U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] Complicity | Dr. Tyrone Hayes“ (2008) 💧
“FLOW: For Love Of Water“ (2008) 💧
“Apollo Zero“ (2009) 👨🚀
“Climate Change [Geoengineering]: Threats to Biological Diversity & Human Health“ - Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri (2010) 🌎
“Innovating to Zero! | Bill Gates | TED Talk“ (2010) 💉💧🌽✈️⚠️
“Positively False: Birth of a Heresy [HIV/AIDS]“ (2011) ⚕️
“10 Climate Myths Busted [in 60 seconds!]“ (2013) 🌎
“Weather 101: A Tutorial on Cloud Types“ (2013) 🌧️
“Weather Basics: Clouds & Precipitation“ (2014) 🌧️
“Global Warming [Climate Change] Revisited | Ivar Giaever | 65th Lindau Nobel Laurete Meeting“ (2015) 🌎
“Weather Balloon Flight to Stratosphere [Uncut]“ (2017) 🎈
“David Keith on Geoengineering [Climate Change] via Solar Radiation Management [SRM]“ (2017) ✈️⚠️
“FrankenSkies: The Lies in the Skies Exposed“ (2017) ✈️⚠️
“How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World [Eugenics]“ (2017) 🌎
“Syngenta’s Atrazine: Endocrine/Hormone Disruption, Environmental Justice, & the Ivory Tower | Tyrone Hayes PhD | TEDxBerkeley“ (2018) 🔬
“The Jet Fuel Hoax“ (2018) ✈️⚠️
“The ’Global’ History Of Communications“ (2018) 🛰️
“The Moon Shining Above the Clouds Over the Arabian Peninsula“ (2019) ✈️🌕
“Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense“ (2021) ⚕️
“Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links“ (2021) 💉⚠️
“U.S. Researchers Considering Dimming the Sun to Slow Climate Change“ (2021) ✈️⚠️
“The Dimming: Exposing The Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up“ (2021) ✈️⚠️
“Chemtrails Are REAL!“ (2022) ✈️⚠️
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_*Video links & more:*_
1 view
5 months ago 00:01:38 1
Chemtrail Plane Up Close - Filmed By Pilots HD
5 months ago 00:35:23 1
FRANKENSKIES: Unveiling Weather Manipulation with Matt Lansman
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Chemical Skies and Chemical Lies
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“Geoengineer: David Keith on Climate Change | The Late Show with Stephen Colbert“ (2017) ✈️⚠️
1 year ago 00:11:19 1
Owning the Weather (in 2025)
1 year ago 01:21:42 1
“FrankenSkies: The Lies in the Skies Exposed“ - Full Documentary (2017) ✈️⚠️
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Honouring the Truth with Matt Landman
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The Franken Skies (#SolarGeoEngineering)
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Chemtrail Poisoning & The Mass Media - Matt Landman GCS Global Chemtrail Summit
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