三十八年的榆树盆景破干整型后是否更具魅力 Is the 38-year-old elm bonsai more attractive after being dried and reshaped?

A pot of old elm tree that has been raised for 38 years, I have done a heart-breaking operation to remove pests and diseases and lower the center of gravity. The video records the details of the broken stem and plastic surgery. 一盆養了38年的老榆樹,下狠心做了一次破乾手術,清除病蟲害,降低重心,視頻詳細記錄了破幹整型細節,分享給大家希望對朋友有所幫助 38年前から育てられてきた古いニレの木の壺で、害虫や病気を取り除き、重心を下げ&
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