Snow Behaving Badly

Viewer submitted video from Youngstown, Pennsylvania in response to the article “Reports of Fake ’Plastic’ Snow Falling in the USA“ by Zach Royer. Mostly people from N. and S. Carolina and Georgia reporting this. I continue to receive dozens of videos reporting snow is not melting. If you are seeing the same, post your comments and links below. And please, don’t let your children put this in their mouths. What in the world is falling? Let’s test a water sample test kit from your Public Utilities Company. Why are people reporting attempts at melting snow results in a burnt sample that smells like chemicals? There is no doubt in many minds that there is some sort of geo-engineering going on across the Nation, and around the world. What we do not know, is the specifics behind it and what the purpose is. We do know though, that the strongest military weapon a military could posses is one that can manipulate the weather at will. Snow Across Country Appears to be Burning and Causing Odor People across the country have recently began posting videos and photo’s all over the internet of “burning“ snow, that does not just melt away. Some people are even saying the snow has an odor to it that “smells like chemicals“, according to one man from the Jersey area. As of right now, it is not known (by me) what is causing this. I live in Hawai’i and I can’t really get access to snow samples unless I feel like climbing Mauna Kea or Mauna Loa, which just had 6inches dumped yesterday. Maybe I will have to make a special do you think? Is there something to all this, or are we being a bit over paranoid? What are your thoughts? If anyone has pictures or videos that they would like to send me, or if anyone has an explanation they could offer, please send them to our email: info@
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