Geocentrism Debate: Part 1

This is the most comprehensive and detailed debate on Geocentrism ever produced. It consists of three parts: (1) the historical and ecclesiastic issues; (2) the analysis of classical and modern physics on geocentrism; (3) modern physics and beyond. The platform for the debate is based on a recent youtube video produced by Dr. Robert Carter and Dr. Jonathan Sarfati titled “The Geocentrism Debate.“ In it Cater and Sarfati attempt to discredit geocentrism. Their first attempt is made from an historical basis, claiming that Copernicus had no ulterior motives in his model but just wanted to demonstrate the science he discovered. Robert Sungenis shows their thesis is quite false and that Copernicus was, indeed, enamored by both sun worship and his admiration for the Greek heliocentrists. Robert also shows that the official position of the Catholic Church is still geocentrism, since the 1616 and 1633 denunciations against both Copernicanism and Galileo still stand as the Catholic Church’s last official
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