Hotel Daytona

——————————— Best watched with Closed Captions on! In fact it’s probably required! Lyrics: Lyrics (with some liner notes): WAV: Daytona ?dl=0 Alternate mix: Daytona V2 alt ?dl=0 (instrumental is a little cleaner but the mixing is different, I kind of prefer the first mix of this but I figured I’d upload this too) Hoo boy, so this video is something I’ve been slowly cooking up for a while now, and could be considered the main course for my half of the Sweet Baby Rays B2B set between me and my guy RudeAssRay. It’s super out of my comfort zone too, I’m actually pretty confident in my ability to write lyrics but I definitely can’t rap to save my fucking life LMAO This is easily one of my favorite vids in a long time in terms of how fun it was to make, I’m quite proud of a lot of the
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