Mamaceqtaw: The Menominee People - History & Culture
This is a collection of words, photos and video clips about ..The Mamaceqtaw:
The Menominee People.., their culture, background.., affiliations & traditions.
The Menominee People (/məˈnɑːməˌni/) also spelled “Menomini” derived from the Ojibwe language word for“Wild Rice People“., known as Mamaceqtaw and as ”the people“ in the Menominee language. They are a federally recognized nation of Indigenous Americans, with their reservation in Wisconsin.
The Menominee tribe was terminated, in the 1960’s, under policy of the time, which stressed “assimilation”. During that period, they brought what has become, a landmark case in Indian law to the United States Supreme Court, in “Menominee Tribe v. United States” (1968) to protect their treaty, hunting and fishing rights.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court and the United States Court of Claims had drawn opposing conclusions about the effect of the
3 years ago 01:05:59 2
Mamaceqtaw: The Menominee People - History & Culture