Cabaret Slave - Рушник (Рiдна мати моя) / folk song Rushnik in Paris

: Busking band Cabaret Slave from Ukraine is playing folk song Rushnik in Paris subway. Also known as the song about the Towel or Ridna maty moya (My dear mother). Original name: Рушник (Рiдна мати моя). It was set to music by composer Platon Maiboroda for the soundtrack of the 1958 Soviet film Young Years (Літа молодії). The song was later popularized by Dmytro Hnatyuk, who is most often associated with this song. It has since been sung by such singers as Kvitka Cisyk, Aleksandr Malinin, Alla Pugacheva, Igor Krutoy, and Renata Babak. Original lyrics Рушник (Рiдна мати моя): Рідна мати моя, ти ночей недоспала І водила мене у поля край села, І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала, І рушник вишиваний на щастя дала. І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала, І рушник вишиваний на щастя, на долю дала.
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