Lake Koman. Albania. Lake Koman Ferry ride / Озеро Коман. Албания. Прогулка по озеру Коман на пароме

Lake Koman Albania Located in the northern part of Albania, not far from Shkoder and a stone’s throw away from the spectacular Valbona Valley National Park, Lake Koman is in fact an artificial lake (a reservoir). It was created when the hydroelectric power station was built in the 1980s on the Drin River with the 115-meters high dam on one side, near Komani village (hence the name of the lake). The dam, 130m tall, was completed in 1985 and the reservoir was filled with water at full capacity in 1986. The emerald water, so clear that it looks unreal, meanders for over 70 kilometers through mountains, in the narrowest place surrounded by vertical canyon walls, the width is only 50 meters (usually it’s around 400 meters). It is fed by the Drin, Shala and Valbona Rivers. The Lake Koman Ferry operates daily on the lake from Koman to Fierza and back. The journey takes about two and a half hours and is very popular with the foreign tourists like ourselves. The following music was used for
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