港風無敵 HONG KONG STYLE FOREVER (1985) | HK 80s Style Action Short Film 4K | Andy Long | Sefa | Rodney
EPISODE 01 of „Andy & Sefa’s Hong Kong Adventure“
„Hong Kong Style Forever . Bye Bye Rodney“ was a quick spontaneous shoot between Rodney, Sefa, Andy and Marc to capture their almost real conversation on camera and pay homage to the 80s Hong Kong Action Films.
(based on true) Story:
Two Kung Fu film fans, Andy and Sefa, have travelled to Hong Kong to visit the birthplace of Martial Arts Films. They have managed to catch up with HK stuntman Rodney Wong on one of his last nights before moving forever to Australia. Rodney has lost fate in the future of HK action cinema but Andy & Sefa will try to convince him how important it is for the young generation of HK Stuntmen to carry on the legacy of Martial Arts films made in Hong Kong.
Rodney Wong
Sefa Demirbas
Andy Long
Marc Oberdorfer
Directed & Edited by
Andy Long
#hkstyleforever #80hongkongaction #andylong #sefademirbas #hongkong #jackiechan #yuenbiao #sammohung #rightingwrongs #hongkongstyleforever #andylongstuntteam
8 months ago 00:02:59 13
港風無敵 HONG KONG STYLE FOREVER (1985) | HK 80s Style Action Short Film 4K | Andy Long | Sefa | Rodney