Avorion Update 2.0 - Trailer

Avorion Update 2.0 introduces massive changes that will fundamentally improve many aspects of the game: - New progression system in which players acquire building knowledge of the various materials - New “Classic Avorion” scenario without the new progression - Fully configurable “Free Play” scenario - Captains with specialized talents and personalities - Improved AI orders to send your ship to go mining, trading, scouting, and more - Improved UI visuals - Improvements to the independent targeting mechanics - Many quality of life improvements like less micromanagement, easier crew management and traveling to far away sectors, autopilots, many balancing changes, UI improvements like a sector overview that shows available missions, goods, and crew members of all stations, and many, many more! Update 2.0 will improve game mechanics that might not feel perfect at the moment. Many of these changes will make Avorion feel like a new game, that is why the title of the update will be
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