Tang Xiang 100cm Petite Guzheng "Chang An" Sound Sample - "Kang Ding Love" |唐响100cm小古筝“长安”试音视频《康定情歌&#

Product available at 唐響牌1米桐木旅行箏“長安”主材採用非洲檀木,面板底板採用一級泡桐木,獨特內框設計,改良出音孔,使得餘音更長,高中低音過度自然。非常輕便,含箏架和古箏包。 This is an excellent travel size petite Guzheng. Made with the very high standard. Small size but big and deep sound. Light weight and super easy to carry and travel with. Beautiful sounding and suitable for players at any level. Comes with a pair of stands and travel bag. Free Air-Shipping for most countries Worldwide.
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