파란노을 (Parannoul) - Acryl

“Shoegaze is not limited to ”roaring alternative rock that makes extensive use of effecter and reverb’’. Music that makes you feel the eyes of the “Higan“ and “Heavenly“ worlds, the distant image of “somewhere other than here“ and the gaze of somewhere other than here. Visionary music that depicts the beauty of the non-existing things. As a listening style for a new era, we recollected the elements and aesthetics of sound making that feel like a shoegaze, and included the shoegaze sound that exists independently of genres and styles, as well as those that deviate, with a slightly poetic sensibility. We named that the “Angelic Post-Shoegaze“. While paying homage to Obscure and New Age, which have led the revival since the 2010s, we will focus on “music that feels shoegaze“ as the aesthetic sense that is the key to the revival of the new era, and as a sence of listening“. by Tsunaki Kadowaki
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