Last year, Dec. 13, 2019, on the occasion of the upcoming winter solstice on Dec. 22, Homeland Seminar was launched in the city of Kyiv. The seminar cycle was introduced by Olena Semenyaka, the coordinator of the metapolitical Reconquista Movement, as development of the most valuable ideas explored within the preceding Pact of Steel conference cycle the format of which, by and large, has exhausted itself.
Homeland Seminar is represented as an interdisciplinary, international and both theoretical and practical enterprise at the intersection of Indo-European studies, mythological research, archaeology and other strictly scientific fields, ecology, sacred geography and metapolitics.
Besides, Olena Semenyaka disclosed the connection between the concept, and the title of the Seminar, with the discovery of the proto-Indo-European homeland (Urheimat) in the territory of the Pontic-Caspian steppe covering large parts of modern Ukraine which today claims the role of Western cultural and geopolitical syn
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