Maiikool - Stunts in LA

Has it been a while? Maybe, idk. I guess I tried to leave silently since no one will probably care if I made an announcement, yet I’m writing this post. I think Dark picked up on it from a reply comment he left a few months ago on my last V video, but also the comment I left on Swiftality 8 was kinda leaning towards leaving. However, I did promise myself to get out a V video (a somewhat proper one at least). It felt weird to have a IV video, but not on the main game I stunt on. I also kinda regret not making a lot of videos after 8 years of stunting in V, hence this being a ‘last’ video also seems weird. I fell off kek. Anyway, hope you’ll like this. The stunts might look mid to some people, and I don’t even know myself if these are oldies now since the last time they were landed. It’s kinda hard (for me at least) to get the SA/VC style working into V and finding similar type stunts, while making it look cool at the same time. Overtime (somewhere around the end of 2017 to 2018 onwards), I started watch
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