Crepuscular Rays Nature’s Spectacular Light Show #didyouknow #factoid #fyp

Crepuscular Rays: Nature’s Spectacular Light Show Crepuscular rays, also known as “god rays,“ are a captivating atmospheric phenomenon that occurs during sunrise or sunset when sunlight streams through openings in clouds, creating visible rays of light. These rays appear to radiate from the sun, forming a fan-like pattern that extends across the sky. The striking effect is due to the scattering of sunlight by dust, water droplets, or other airborne particles in the atmosphere. When beams of sunlight are obstructed by objects like clouds or mountains, they cast shadows and create these dramatic rays. Crepuscular rays add a touch of magic to the already breathtaking moments of sunrise and sunset, inspiring awe and wonder in those who witness this natural spectacle. Whether seen from a mountaintop, a beach, or any other vantage point, crepuscular rays are a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the natural world. #crepuscular #sunset #dusk #twilight #crepuscularrays #autu
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