Эрнест Рейер – опера “Сигурд“ – Увертюра

SIGURD Opéra en 4 actes & 9 tableaux Composer: Ernest Reyer (1823–1909) Libretto: Camille du Locle & Alfred Blau First performance: Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie, Brussels, 7 January 1884 SETTING : Worms and Iceland, 5th century PLOT : While Gunther, king of the Burgundians, dreams of new conquests, his sister Hilda has fallen in love with the Frankish hero Sigurd, who avenged her father’s death and saved her from captivity. Uta, her nurse, promises to make Sigurd fall in love with her, thanks to a magic potion. Sigurd (now in love with Hilda), Gunther and Hagen swear blood brotherhood and sail to Iceland, where the Valkyrie Brunehild lies in an enchanted sleep, guarded by walls of fire and monsters. Sigurd, disguised as Gunther, overcomes these obstacles to win Brunehild for Gunther. Brunehild, however, loves Sigurd, and a jealous Hilda reveals that Sigurd, not Gunther, rescued the Valkyrie. The enchantment on Sigurd is broken, and, now madly in love with B
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