WC 240 Mobs in 12-13m - 200g/hr (10g/Run) - SoD Mage Boost Guide - 11k-16k Xp/Run

Spankers Back Again Boys With ANOTHER SoD AoE Mage Boosting Guide Hey everyone I’ve been practicing this a couple days now! Its a WC 240 Mob pull Boost Guide - 240 Mobs, Xp/Run, 200g an hour! I charge Boosties 4x10g a run. My Twitch: Discord For ALL Content Updates - Streaming - Videos: Shoutout: @Taiwon @KeyvanB_ Weak Auras: - Consumables - Kill Tracker (Top Left) - MP5 Ticker - Living Flame / Bomb WA Addons: Bartender Dejunk Accountant Classic NovaInstanceTracker BoostWaitlist WeakAuras Gargul Macros: Target Cobrahn #showtooltip /tar lord cobrahn /cast living bomb /script SetRaidTarget(“target“, 3) Target Lady Anacondra #showtooltip
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