Compacted crop - the easy way to SUCCESSFULLY clear it!“ (99.9% success rate)
22/10/18: AMERICAN NAME FOR THIS PRODUCT IS MINERAL LUBRICANT OR MINERAL OIL LAXATIVE. This is available in Walmart and some other stores.
23/11/16 - NOTE FOR YOU ALL: You will probably have to give 3 doses, one very 12 hours ( to 1ml at a time). This will work. The most I have had to give is 5 doses for a very stubborn case.
I have had a 99.9% success rate with my method of how to clear a compacted crop and a sour crop and have used it for over 10 years on my chickens.
Just recently I have had a chicken that has had a compacted or sour crop 5 times in 4 weeks and I have had success with this method thankfully! I am definitely keeping an eye on her, she loves long grass and food and the long grass can definitely contribute to a compacted or blocked crop. A sour crop is basically when the food has been compacted and has been sitting in the crop for a few days. It basically starts to go off and turns to liquid, however the block is still there and needs to be removed.
My method does not involve operations or making your chickens sick.
You will need:
1. Water
2. Liquid paraffin (from a pharmacy)
3. A 1ml syringe (from ebay, £10 for £) or a small spoon
Liquid paraffin on its own will always clear a compacted crop or a sour crop if that is the problem.
You need to give it over 1-3 days, sometimes 5 days if it doesnt start clearing straight away. I usually end up giving it for 2 days.
Give 0.5 ml in the morning and 0.5 ml in the evening, or you can give 1 ml in one go but do it slowly. Massage the crop gently once they have had it.
Feel their crops the next day, if it is smaller you may want to give another two doses just to make sure, but basically once it has started emptying they are on the road to recovery.
If the crop is compacted, given them some water by syringe first if you can and massage the crop. If you cant then just give the liquid paraffin.
If the crop feels like a water balloon then just give the liquid paraffin, it will clear the block as long as the block is caused by food being stuck somewhere, within in the crop or further down their tubes.
Do this and you will have success with your chickens and may even save their lives!
Once the block is cleared you will see your chicken eliminating her food, it may look like diarrhoea. If the crop turns sour still give liquid paraffin. The sour liquid is fairly unpalatable to the chicken in that they may not feel well when it goes down as it’s extremely acidic, but it will empty and once gone they are on the road to recovery.
This may take a few days to get over for them but they will then start to eat adn drink again
You may have to help them through this period by giving a little water by syringe or some food by syringe. Often cat food pate mixed with water is ok as a temporary measure. This is usually not necessary though.
I spoke with a sheep farmer recently about the compacted crop and she said her lambs get it from eating too much dry food. The farmers do exactly the same and administer liquid paraffin to their lambs to clear it up. Farmers are always right!
I found out about liquid paraffin the hard way, when one of my chickens almost starved to death and antibiotics, yoghurt, garlic and olive oil (not all together!) didnt work. I was desperate and after two weeks of this poor chicken eating virtually nothing her crop emptied overnight!
I hope this video helps you and you can email me at
chickiesadventures@ with any questions you have.
Ciao for now!
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