Mythic Astrology and Venus Retrogrades with Arielle Guttman

Episode 247 features an interview with astrologer Arielle Guttman about her work on using myth as an interpretive device in astrology, as well as the importance of the synodic cycle of Venus, providing insight into the upcoming Venus retrograde in Gemini. Arielle is the author of the books Mythic Astrology and Mythic Astrology Applied, as well as Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the Twenty-First Century: During the course of the interview we talk about Arielle’s background in astrology and how she got into it, her work with Jim Lewis on relocational astrology, the use of myth as a tool to help explicate archetypes in astrology, and her work on what she calls the Venus Star Point. The Venus Star Point in natal astrology is the conjunction between Venus and the Sun that occurred prior to your birth, which creates a sensitive degree in your chart, and also locks in a resonance between that phase of Venus whenever it reoccurs later in your life. Here is
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