1989-06-16 e3: about microscopic angels (Vancouver, Canada)

...Angels do not have blond hair. They don’t have blond. They don’t have blonde hair. They don’t have jet-black also, but they have on the blacker side, brownish-black, [unclear] also. They are so microscopic you can’t see them, usually. I don’t think anybody has seen angels, human beings, I don’t think also. But when they get forms, like, say Gabriel takes a form or something, they can take any form. And they are not particularly any form as a [unclear] Gabriel or Hanumana’s form. It’s a different forms. They are blackish-brownish color that supposedly may take [unclear] or something in particular. It depends on the form they take. Garuda Himself is, ah, also is a form of Angel. All Ganas are Angels. All like, the… not all the peacocks, but an Angel can become a peacock. They can take any form, so you cannot say they are of a certain type. But mostly they’ll have, if they have to have, they will have a brownish-blackish hair. If they have to have. Because in animals you don’t find blonde hair. Have you see
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