Luise Danz - Bestial Nazi Guard at Auschwitz & Malchow Concentration Camps - Holocaust - WW2

Luise Danz - Bestial Nazi Guard at Auschwitz & Malchow Concentration Camps - Holocaust - WW2. Luise Danz was born on the 11th of December 1917 After the Second World War began on the 1st of September 1939, Luise Danz began her criminal career as a concentration camp guard in 1943 when she started a three-week course at Ravensbrück concentration camp in order to become a guard. After she completed her training, she served in various concentration camps during the war such as Majdanek, Krakow-Płaszów, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Malchow. At Auschwtiz, Danz supervised a work brigade of female inmates consisting of French and Greek Jewesses who worked at night shift in the tailor’s workshop. After the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in January 1945, she was transferred to the Malchow concentration camp, which was a subcamp of Ravensbrück. Luise Danz became the camp’s commandant. At Malchow, 900 female prisoners had to do different types of forced labor such as work in
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