Ravi Zacharias Caught Lying (over and over) about Cambridge and minutes of ugly evidence.

In August of 2018 Ravi Zacharias admitted (in writing) that he had never enrolled at Cambridge and that he had never been a professor at Oxford. (Read his exclusive apology to Christian psychologist Warren Throckmorton here ) But in this video you will see Ravi claim to be a “professor at Oxford“ and talk about his “studies“ at Cambridge. Will Ravi’s colleagues in the God Business, folks like John Lennox, Amy Orr Ewing, Os (“the Ostrich“) Guinness, Tanya Walker, Margaret Manning Shull, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and others, demand that he publicly confess and repent? Or will it be business as usual at God, Inc.? If Ravi believed in God here is what he would have said and posted on his website: “On multiple occasions in my published works, lectures and promotional materials I have claimed to be a professor at Oxford, a visiting lecturer at Oxford and a visiting scholar at Cambridge. Each of
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