DIY💁‍♀earrings bnane ka aasaan trika | fabric and cardboard earrings |

earrings bnane ka aasaan trika | fabric and cardboard earrings | 1) circle around on cardboard 2) cut 2 cardboard, round circle 3) cut 2 fabric cloth, round circle 4) Brown sketch 5) favicol 6) black nail polish 7) plier 8) wire 9) earring hooks Complete Earrings Hii guys 👋 My beautiful earrings. i hope you like it. very easy and simple earrings. #mycreative#beautiful#fabricandcardboarde#earrings#cardboardearringdiy#cardboardearringmaking#earringusingcardboard#earringcardboardholder#plier#wire#earringhooks#myyoutubechannel#likes#comments#subscribe#followforfollow#watchmyvideo plz🙏 subscribe 🔔my channel
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