CS50 2021 - Lecture 0 - Scratch (SDR)

TABLE OF CONTENTS 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:17 - Problem Solving 00:05:36 - Representation 00:06:14 - Binary 00:13:25 - Letters 00:16:40 - ASCII 00:20:12 - Unicode 00:25:38 - Color 00:28:00 - Images 00:29:28 - Videos 00:30:43 - Music 00:31:50 - Questions on representation 00:35:41 - Algorithms 00:40:33 - Time to solve 00:43:57 - Pseudocode 00:50:35 - Scratch 00:52:39 - Scratch blocks 00:57:22 - Hello world 01:03:30 - Inputs to outputs, outputs to inputs 01:05:50 - Text to speech 01:07:41 - Meow 01:08:35 - Loops 01:10:42 - Custom blocks 01:15:50 - Conditionals 01:17:25 - Forever 01:18:42 - Video sensing 01:20:25 - Whack-a-mole 01:21:57 - One piece at a time 01:22:48 - Oscartime 01:24:24 - Oscartime stage 01:25:30 - Oscartime trash can 01:27:18 - Oscartime falling trash 01:29:42 - Oscartime dragging trash 01:31:30 - Putting Oscartime together 01:33:42 - Movement 01:35:32 - Movement’s abstractions
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