Brega/Ajdabiya desert battle - Storyful - March 2

Via: انتفاضة 17 فبراير 2011- لنجعله يوم للغضب في ليبيا Google translation: URGENT battle erupted in a region near the city of Brega and the despotic regime of Ajdabiya Uses aircraft and heavy weapons Surprised by the people of the Brega, which lies 60 kilometers from the city of Ajdabiya Access to 150 vehicles covered by an armed military aircraft and carried out immediately with Bataleg fire Random on each of the interlocutors of the innocent people of the region woke up and called in Bakhunhm City Ajdabiya for their support in time captured by mercenaries at the airport After the arrival of all people carrying arms in the city of Ajdabiya to the area of rebels could Brega 17 February brought the airport The clashes happened between the sons of the Libyan
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